Early Professional's Committee (EPC)
Career Advancement Committee (CAC)

Early Professionals Committee (EPC):
Athletic Trainers with 0-6 years of certification
Advance, connect, support and encourage Athletic Trainers in the early stages of their career by fostering leadership, developing educational initiatives and promoting professional and ethical values.
Contact: iats.epc.cac@gmail.com
Expected Content/ events:
Clinical and soft skills development workshops, networking webinars, social events.
The EPC will create educational opportunities and materials to support new professionals. In addition, the committee will engage academic programs in transitioning students members to certified members.
The EPC will collaborate with other committees and national, district and state leadership to involve new graduates and create leadership development opportunities. The committee will promote leadership development programs and work to welcome new graduates into athletic training service and to help foster professional networking and mentorship.
Career Advancement Committee (CAC):
Athletic Trainers with 7-12 years of certification
Represent the needs and concerns of Athletic Trainers in the 7th-12th year of their career in an equitable and inclusive environment across the state. We aim to support and encourage CAC Athletic Trainers through career advancement while also advocating for the athletic training profession in Iowa.
Expected Content/ events:
Work-life balance webinars, skills development workshops, Iowa job postings.
The CAC will develop educational sessions and materials to address issues around career satisfaction including salary negotiation, understanding benefits, value in the workplace and searching for jobs.
The CAC will collaborate with other committees to promote and develop resources focused on career skill development, workforce advancement and professional retention.
Contact: iats.epc.cac@gmail.com
Past Events:
Virtual Resume Workshop with Brad Floy, PhD, LAT, ATC