Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee (EDAC)
Committee Chair
Abu Ibrahim MBL, LAT, ATC
Committee Members
Minela Saric
Karina Sanchez
To identify and address issues relevant to ethnically diverse Athletic Trainers
To implement initiatives to increase the number of ethnically diverse Athletic Trainers
To address health care concerns affecting physically active, ethnically diverse individuals
Education Resources
Compassionate Care for All NATA blog series and info graphic
Service Opportunity
ATs 4 Be The Match Ethnically diverse patients find a donor less than 60% of the time compared to 93% of the time for Caucasian patients​​​
Learn more about Be The Match
Award Opportunities through NATA
Know someone who should be recognized for their efforts in development and enhancement of ethnically diverse Athletic Trainers? Nominate them for the Bill Chisolm Professional Service Award