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Advocacy Efforts

Legislative Priorities 

  • 1. Promote and defend the scope of practice of athletic trainers in the state to provide quality healthcare.

    • Ensure the education, training, and practice of athletic trainers is understood by the public.

    • Ensure AT licensure and the Board of Athletic Training remain in place to protect all Iowans.  

  • 2. Promote the provision of quality healthcare to Iowans, particularly in rural areas. 

    • Monitor and expand incentives for athletic trainers to practice healthcare in rural areas.  

    • Collaborate with other healthcare professions on initiatives to recruit and retain quality healthcare providers in the state. 

  • 3. Promote activities and practices that improve safety in sport participation across Iowa. 

    • Monitor, promote, and develop legislation regarding emergency action plans, AEDs, concussion evaluation, and management, and related emergency conditions which would support safe sport participation. 

    • Collaborate with stakeholder organizations who regulate participation and safety in physical and recreational activity.


Bill Status and Updates: 2025 

SF231 (SSB1016): A bill for an act relating to prior authorizations and exemptions by health benefit plans
and utilization review organizations

  • Status: Attached to HF 303

  • Stance:​

HSB220:This bill relates to concussion and brain injury training for coaches. Current law requires the department of health and human services, the Iowa high school athletic association, and the Iowa girls high school athletic union to work together to develop training materials and courses regarding concussions and brain injuries, and requires coaches and contest officials to complete the training at least every two years. The bill modifies this provision to provide that coaches
shall complete the training every two years.

  • Status: Sucommittee recommends passage

  • Stance: Support 

HSB176: A bill for an act relating to matters under the purview of the department of inspections,
appeals, and licensing. 

  • Status: Committee report, recommending passage (Committee vote: Yeas, 16. Nays, 7.)

  • Stance: 

HSB10: Allows Schools to Employ Nurses or Athletic Trainers

  • Status: Subcommittee recommended passage on 1/22/25. 

  • Stance: Support


HF31: A bill for an act creating the new resident and new graduate tax credits, available
against the individual income tax, and including retroactive applicability provisions.

  • Status: Subcommittee recommends passage on 1/29/25

  • Stance: Support

HF35: A bill for an act relating to postsecondary schools and COVID-19 vaccine exemptions
for clinical students.

  • Status: Subcommittee recommends passage on 1/23/25

  • Stance: Undecided 


HF303 (HSB19): An Act relating to prior authorizations and exemptions by health benefit plans and utilization review organizations"

  • Status: Read first time 2/24/25, Attached to SF 231

  • Stance: 

SSB 1163: A bill for an act relating to health care including a funding model for the rural health care system; the elimination of several health care-related award, grant, residency, and fellowship programs; establishment of a health care professional incentive program; Medicaid graduate medical education; the health facilities
council; and the Iowa health information network, making appropriations, and including effective date provisions.

  • Status: Introduced referred to HHS 2/20/25

  • Stance: Undecided


HSB191: A bill for an act relating to health care including a funding model for the
rural health care system; the elimination of several health care-related
award, grant, residency, and fellowship programs; establishment of a health
care professional incentive program; Medicaid graduate medical education;
the health facilities council; and the Iowa health information network,
making appropriations, and including effective date provisions.

  • Status: Committee report, recommending amendment and passage (Committee vote: Yeas, 19. Nays, 0. Excused, 2.)

  • Stance: Undecided

HF471(HSB86): A bill for an act modifying provisions related to school concussion and brain injury

  • Status: Introduced and placed on calendar 2/19/25

  • Stance: Support 


HF90: A bill for an act relating to continuing education requirements for licensed professions.

  • Status: Subcommittee Meeting: 02/06/25 @ 8:00am (Cancelled)

  • Stance: Undecided


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